I am finally updating this section of my blog, after a really really long time! It came across my mind for the longest time that I should update this section but I never really knew what quotes to put up at the time. I have now came across something I see everyday on the back of my door when I wake up to give me a positive boost. They're just positive thoughts to let sink inside your head instead of negative energy thoughts. So today, I just thought I would share some of the many that I have written out in my room. The ones in parentheses is just showing how to make it your own or more than just the simple statement.
- I trust my future to be positive. = (I create my future daily, filled with positivity and love.)
- My life is full of possibilities. = (I walk through the door of opportunity knowing that anything I want for my life is possible and I am worthy of anything for I ask.)
- I love and approve of myself. = (I am secure in my own skin. I love and approve of myself and I accept my own individuality.)
- Whatever I can imagine the universe can deliver. = (I trust in the universe and know I am limited only by my imagination. I create the space for my life to appear in and the universe delivers all that I ask for.)
- I recognize and express my unique talents. = (i am blessed to have unique and amazing talents. I share the richness of these gifts with my family, friends and society and hope it will benefit all.)
- I can heal anything by healing my beliefs first. = (I believe in myself and my abilities. I have unlimited potential when I trust in the universe and believe in me.)
- I trust my inner wisdom. = (my intuition guides me through my life. My inner voice is wise and knows what's best for me.)
- I am free to create success in my life -- it's my choice. = (I create my success daily, every decision every choice I make impacts the world. I live my life to the fullest know that I am the best that I can be and I am justly rewarded with the success I choose.)
- I have faith in my ability to manifest my desires. = (I manifest my dreams and desires daily and have faith in my abilities to achieve my dreams.)
- When I decide to be happy, I attract great things in my life. = (I have a beautiful life filled with happiness and love and I am rewarded with all the joy life can offer. I naturally attract great things in my life. Everything I have I have created.)
- It is safe for me to speak up for myself. = (My thoughts and opinions matter to me and to others. I say what needs to be said as I am strong, confident and just. I speak the truth always.)
- My life has a meaningful purpose. = (I am alive, vibrant and focused. I make a difference in this world. My life has meaning and purpose and I love all that life offers me.)
- I have the ability to accomplish any task I set my mind to with ease and comfort. = (I have the ability and talent to achieve my dreams and I do so with gratitude, ease and grace knowing all things are possible.)
- My life is too short not to do what I love. = (My life is what I make it out to be. I am present and living in the moment and anything I want for my life is waiting for me. I love what I do and I do what I love.)
- I am worth loving. = (I honour and accept myself as the unique human being I am. I am content, alive, and worthy. I give and receive unconditionally.)
- I release all fears and doubts. = (I release myself from fear and doubt. Fears and doubts are nothing but stumbling blocks. I am strong with limitless possibility.)