Tuesday, June 26, 2012



It's Tuesday and not that great of a Tuesday in fact.. being sick with a stuffy/runny nose and sneezing is no fun but even worse is my sinus is bugging me the most. I am so so so so so tired and today was the sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowest day of my life ever at work. I was alright in the morning but as soon as I got onto my next task for the day I was down and out. I was completely super tired and no I didn't skip good old breakfast had that and lunch too. I think my body finally crashed after my messed up sleep pattern of working mornings to nights, which I had mentioned before. I do hope to be feeling better by Friday when I am going to go see Magic Mike with my friend, because it will really suck to be sick while watching that movie.

On another note, I finally finished replying back to all the comments that I have received on my blog! I know it probably took me a while, sorry about that. Also I know some comments I think, I got mixed up when replying yesterday, so sorry for that if I wrote something and you didn't even mention that to me. You know you're sick when.. you don't even remember clearly what the heck you already did or not even though I wrote it down. I also want to note that for those who asked me to follow them and I haven't, please comment below and I will add you because I don't remember who I added or not from all the tabs I had opened at once. Thank you for all those who comment, read or view my blog or even choose to follow my blog! I truly honestly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. 

I am going to get onto what this post was really about, which is summer and everyone has goals, dreams, ambitions, to-do lists, things they want to accomplish list for the summer and I want to do that today! I know when I was younger I would make a list because I wanted to, not that I had to or anyone told me to I just did it. However, the result of it was founding that random paper a few months later as I was in school and every single thing I had written on for that summer was completed to full strike through. I think it's so amazing when things happen/get accomplished. I know I had made a new years resolution/goals list which ever one wants to call it but everyone needs to do a summer bucket list one. This is what I want to do this summer, in no specific order. =) I think this is the perfect time, since July is pretty well here in a couple of days.

Taken from pinterest

1. Take TONS of photos of everything and anything
2. Go to the farmers market with my friend
3. Eat lots of fruit & veggies this summer
4. Try yoga with my friend
5. Have a summer romance
6. Go walk around the carnival/fair and eat tons of junk food for half a day with my friend and look around plus take a million photos
7. See all these movies this summer with different friends / [ Katy Perry: Part of Me - The Amazing Spiderman - People Like Us - The Dark Knight Rises - Rock of Ages - Ted - Savages - Step Up Revolution - The Watch - Madea's Witness Protection - The Bourne Legacy - Lawless ]
8. Try new things this summer
9. Fall in love in summer 2012
10. Read
11. Finish sewing quilt
12. Go to Tutti Frutti
13. Go to I-HOP
14. Learn spanish
15. Eat breakfast everyday
16. Go to a football game
17. Go on cute dates! <3 [ice cream - coffee - zoo - aquarium - carnival - pretty walk trails - cute lunches/dinner]
18. Try Pinkberry when it opens!
19. Go to Marble slab with my friend
20. Tone it up this summer
21. Make lots of different receipes

Take from pinterest

Signed, Joe


  1. Love your summer list! Yoga is one of my goals as well.

    BTW to add your e-mail: go to your Blogger dashboard and click “edit profile” beside your little picture. Then check the box next to “show my email address.”

  2. Great list of summer to-dos! I may have to copy a few!


  3. I love the idea of a Bucket List for Summer and I've always been a big list maker! Sounds like it would be a lot of fun! And I love pink berry sooooooo delish.

  4. What a great list! I definitely need to eat more healthy this summer!

  5. Oh, I wish to go where the sea is blue like that :)

  6. These all sound amazing! I've also written a list of things I want to do this summer, I hope I achieve them all!

  7. Okay I LOVE your summer list! I need to copy some of these...

  8. A great list.. here's to that summer romance and tons of cute fun dates. We did a carnival last week and it was a blast.. hope you feel better soon

  9. Can I take the guy in the last pic please? lol great summer list!

  10. Hey Joelynn! Thank you for your sweet comment and for your visit! I wish you an amazing summer too! xoxoxoo

  11. ooh being sick is no fun! I hope you feel better! and can I have that guy in the photo? he is yummy

    love from San Francisco,

  12. That's a really cool list- I used to make ones when I was younger but havent for a while now, might give it a go again :) It's a nice way to figure out where you want to go

    Sofi xx


  13. Ahh summer lists :) Unfortunately for me, flying home for US summer means landing smackbang in cold Auckland winter so I hope you enjoy your summer for me :)



Thank you truly for leaving a little note on my blog. I very much kindly appreciate it and feel very grateful for you taking the time to write on my blog. Thank you, thank you, thank you dearly, much love. <3