Monday, May 6, 2013

What Do I DO?

Happy Monday! :) And Yippee to +30 today!! 

Day 6 [If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, what do you do?]

This question seemed a little hard for a first few moments because I was thinking all these things, but it is pretty simple. So what is it that I do.. 

I love with all my heart my family + friends  / I am creative / I read 
I love fashion / I love to travel / I inspire / I listen
I love to talk / I am open-minded / I am thoughtful / I am kind / I am grateful
I DREAM BIG / I am passionate / I blog irregularly / I love to eat 
I enjoy music / I enjoy life / I make goals + lists / I accomplish my dreams
I write / I like to be crazy / I like to take photographs / I enjoy conversations

I hope you all enjoyed today's post and have a lovely day! Hopefully it's nice, sunny, and hot where you are! :) 

Signed, Joe

1 comment:

  1. I thought this prompt was tough at first too! Looks like we took a similar route in our posts. xo

    Courtney @ Little Miss MBA


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