Friday, June 29, 2012

Girl Run that Show

Good Late Evening!

I know, I know this is late tonight but it's a quick one this Friday, nothing too long. So since I am doing a quick one it will be 5 things of this week that stand out for me.

1. MAGIC MIKE!!! OOOOOW!! (more than enough said!)

2. Getting to see my lovely friend tonight!! <3

3. Marvelous things continuing to happen to me, oh the joy and thankfulness within me. <3

4. On repeat for the last two days MAC MILLER - MISSED CALLS (doooope track!)

5. Text messages via my amazing awesome friends in my life!! - (the simple things that light up my heart <3)


p.s. - Happpy Long Weekend if you live in Canada!! Happy Early Canada Day! :D 

Signed, Joe


  1. Such a catchy, somehow happy sounding sad song :)
    and I like your idea for this post when it was last minute!
    5 things that stood out for you this week!
    Happy Weekend and Canada Day!

  2. yay, looks like everything has been going wonderfully for you, girl! i've never heard this track before!
    xo TJ

  3. This is probably very strange Butifind Mac Millar insanely attractive! Haha love your blog miss! Xx Elly - jazzlipsandtulips

  4. Sounds really great! Have an amazing Weekend.
    From Paris with love!
    Kristina recently posted.. Plage de Cannes.

  5. Such a great positive post!!! and thank you for the awesome video - those two are tooo cute;-)))


Thank you truly for leaving a little note on my blog. I very much kindly appreciate it and feel very grateful for you taking the time to write on my blog. Thank you, thank you, thank you dearly, much love. <3