Thursday, April 15, 2010


So I went to my local Sephora today to get a couple of make-up brushes, however I ended up coming out with a perfume as well, something in which I wasn't looking for. I have purchased a Marc Jacob's perfume (daisy) before, but I wasn't satisfied with it and took it back. But booy did this scent have me hooked today! There also is Apple & Biscotti which I didn't try the apple. I fell in love with the pomegrannate scent in the store and I just had to purchase it! I don't know what it is about that scent but lately I have been hooked to it even from the Dove collection I have the pomegrannate deodorant & body wash which smell amazing. I highly recommend all three of these products they smell delicious!! I have perfumes, however I'm picky and the ones I have I barely even touch them really but I must say the one I do have Vera Wang LOOK is an amazing perfume also! Since I have not wore the perfume everyday due to me just purchasing it today I will do a follow up on the perfume to give a splash of opinion and how long it does the scent stick through for the day or night.


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