So it's a new year and a
lot of new experiences and challenges are awaiting us all to take place. I
think for the most of us the new year is that of change.
CHANGE : To alter; to
make different; to cause to pass from one state to another; as, to change the
position, character, or appearance of a thing; to change the countenance. To
alter by substituting something else for, or by giving up for something else.
It's a way to leave the
past in the past and focus on the present that gives you the future you shall
receive by the actions of now. It's a chance to turn over an old leave and be
present to a new one. It's about changing habits, recognizing mistakes and
faults. It's about making corrections or trying again. It's about accepting
everything that you haven't allowed yourself because of fear of the unknown or
letting your mind think you're not good enough. It's about letting go of the
negativity and focusing solely on the positive and surrounding yourself with
positive liked mind people who believe in the same things that you yourself
believe in.
It's about making new
goals to tackle, dreaming up new dreams to aim for and trying new things you
never let yourself try. Life is full of excitement and now it's your turn to
live it out fully. Where ever you're going is a mystery and you don't know the
great places it's going to take you and that's the whole point. The point is to
let the light take over and shine the unexpected of you. Stop worrying and just
let everything go, let your attention shift to the new.
This new year around let
your desires fully come true and form. Let the love you push away and keep at a
distance become apart of you. Let taking risks gain you everything you never
thought imagined that will happen. Let the universe get the best of you, the
rawest of you, the beauty of you and the laughter of you that you chose not to
Allow yourself to fully
express whatever it is you feel inside instead of holding back. Don't let
yourself over-think, over-analyze, stress or assume the worst when more than
likely it isn't the case, you're just allowing yourself to imagine it will be
that case and your body + mind just ends up all worked up for nothing.
This season find you if
you're the type to always do for others but not for yourself. However, if
you're the type who only does for themselves change that by helping this new
year. Give them the help they'd least expect it because trust me you'll
definitely make someones day or put a smile on there face.
Find the person you are
and want to be. Allow yourself to let go and just be imperfectly freely you
without worrying the opinions of others. It's about you now, it's about
figuring out what everybody else sees that you are unable to allow yourself to
The last thing that I
need to say it to always, always, always BELIEVE in yourself no matter what.
Never let that aspect of yourself go because it goes hand in hand with determination
but also WILL. You have those you've got everything you need to achieve the
unattainable that other people tell you or you make yourself believe.
So don't worry about
where your going.. just enjoy the ride and really really live life. Live it to
the fullest possible potential that you can. ;)
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