Saturday, December 31, 2011

Talk Booster - Last of 2011 (Dec.31st)

The last Day of 2011 and what year it had been!

There are so many blog posts and things that are last minute kinda in a way to make this new year start fresh and beautiful, like an angelic bright shining moon shining down upon ones face. It's the last moment to speak all your 2011 thoughts and move forward to a excitable, fresh year. It's a year to make or start new changes and go about new obstacles, tasks etc. It's about keeping the things you found work and leaving behind the things that didn't work. It's also another year to figure out new things and explore, be adventurous along with spice up a little or a whole lot of fun! It's a new year to meet new people and learn new things and shine the best you that you can. It's also about moving up front in focus to what you never allowed yourself to in 2011. 2012 is the year, to let yourself be you and the best you that you ever have never allowed anyone to fully see. It's about being vulnerable but still keeping your boundaries. It's about taking risks and sometimes just jumping full force but sometimes it also takes a little bit of down time to recognize and figure out. The most important thing of all is to be thankful, thankful for all that had happened in 2011 whether good or bad. It's about thanking the things or people that life through your way. 2012 is about starting fresh and being determined to chasing after those goals, not walk but run into completing them and making new ones. It's about giving yourself a challenge to fulfil for a new year, so you don't feel stuck into the pasts or that of 2011. It's about making your life LOUD, FUN and letting this charmed life on earth be a gift not taken for granted but treasured with all your heart and soul. Life give you what you ask, it's all about your approach.. be negative then you get the negative surrounded into your life. Chose to be positive and life gives you many treasures that you never let yourself fully see. What you ask for is what you receive, so ask for the greatest treasure of all the gift of simplicity. It's that which makes you realize and appreciate life. It gives you a bright beautiful light into your soul knowing the fact you are grateful, calm and at peace. 


As for myself I wanted to end this with my 2011 thankful thoughts floating around. 

* I am thankful for my family, without a doubt. I honestly can say right now as I sit here and type this I don't know where I would be today. I don't know if I would have even came as far as I did this year. I am so appreciative for the relationships that I have allowed to become more than what I have ever allowed myself to feel or be apart of.

* I am grateful for all the obstacles and challenges that came my way because even though they may have been hard I learnt a lot. I learnt a lot not only of the situation but of myself.

* I am grateful for life even though I honestly can say I never really have been in the past to be completely honest.

* I am utterly thankful for the friendship that I allowed myself to gain with my cousin because I don't know where I honestly would be, truthfully. He is not only my cousin but he is also like a brother to me that I never had but always wanted. He has had my back so much this year and I never thought in a millions I would find someone who's opinion I value as much as I do his. He is genuinely kind hearted, intelligent to the t in smart. He is always looking out for you and your well being for sure. The most, best part of him that I admire is he's truthfulness. It's not sugar-coated it's the plain truth the way you see it in front of your eyes and I love that aspect. I love it because I know that I have he's honest opinion which I value very much. I am absolutely grateful for him in my life.

* I am unexplainable-y grateful for the 4 strong friendships that have remained, reformed or even become in my life. I am very thankful for them because I know, no matter what that friendship is always there. These few I know have been here for a long while and have not left my side even if we don't see each other regularly because of life's busy ways. They're still always in my daily thoughts as I roam lives beautiful days. They get me each in their own way and love the parts of me that they love because they genuinely like me for me. I know it has taken me a long long road to finally find the best of friendships but I have definitely found them and cherish them deeply. These 4 people literally make me excited each and every time I get to see them! They make the inside of my soul light up as bright as the California sun on a hot day. They are each different, unique, intelligent and beautiful in there own way and I will continue to love and treasure them for the way they're and even as they change and evolve through life. They make my life that much brighter & lighter. They are also the piece to the best part of me.

* I am thankful for the opportunity of allowing myself to be able to let someone 'see into me' with flaws and all. The best and worst parts that not everybody knows or see. I am thankful because I have made progress in life in the utmost unimaginable ways ever. I have become more than I have ever allowed myself to see, believe or let be and because of that I am truly grateful for the guidance of this person. Sometimes some people see miracles inside another person better than you can of your own self. 

* I am truly grateful for My littlest cutest sweetie pie niece!! I lOVE her to pumpkin pie, ice cream sprinkle pieces! She is the most adorable, precious gift ever. She just makes me smile and lights up my sky. She's the most joyous and energetic little daisy walking in my life right now. Her hugs are the best along with her smile and cute laugh! Her innocence is what makes life shine, no matter what kind of day I've had. 

* I am undoubtedly thankful for my parents; I know life hasn't always been this way but as life moves forward I become to see things in a whole new light. Sometimes life doesn't give the best situations but it gives the best lessons. It gives you things in a whole new perspective as to what I previously had allowed myself to think or believe. It makes you not take certain things for granted even though it has happened a way in which you never wanted. Some times in life I have learned life isn't always greener on the other side. 

* Another person that is very smart that is part of my life is 'a' she is just so smart, like a jar of cookies. A little or a whole lot of hyper sometimes but it just wouldn't be the same without the noise if it was constantly completely utter silence. Definitely a bright shining future ahead for sure. 

* The best part of my life that I am really happy and joyful for is all the most positive intellects that have been part of or walked into my life through life's gracious journeys that I have travelled. It is the best part for me because it makes me have a stable balance not one wobbling on one foot in front of the other unbalanced, wondering or worrying of unnecessary things. It's the best part of 2011 that I can carry forward into 2012 because I know I have allowed the things that I can change change. It's the best part because those I have come across that are this way make me want to be an even better person. They make miracles want to happen in the pupils of my eyes that spark as bright as fireworks on a dark night.

I am thankful over all in general for every little thing but more so the simple little things. The grand gestures sure but it's the little things that makes my heart skip a floating daisy beat. 

- Hello 2012 and goodbye 2011, it was a great run but 2012 is to be even better! 

xo. pixie dust kisses `

Signed, Joe

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