It's another Friday with another post on my week! It's been kind of a hectic-ed, frustrated-tear cry, tired, annoyed week. I know just reading that doesn't sound like a so good week or post coming about but that is just my feelings at the moment of the week summed up.
1. My Sunday night was spent as a girls night out to see 21 Jump Street! Woot, I didn't have to wait until Tuesday! It was a hilarious movie, funny all the way through!
2. My weekend of reading last weekend, ended up being a weekend of movies instead. How does that happen when I wanted to read so badly!? I still wanted to read this whole week but I was waiting on borrowing a book that I just ended up buying the book for myself. The book of choice "The Hunger Games"
3. The Hunger Games tonight with my friend, her boyfriend and some of her other friends! I was excited to see it and even more excited to see my friend again!! I think going to see a movie was a great thing to do after work, especially after a stressful week. I was even more grateful in the fact they were able to drive me home, so even a little more time to chat before going our separate ways. All I have to say about getting the ride home is that 'God really works in amazing ways' that is all I have to say on that note and for that generous offer of a ride home I am graciously thankful.
4. Going out this month has been glorious and very gracious of an opportunity for me! I say this because going out this much in a month never happens, so I am oh so thankful and happy. Happy at the fact of getting to spend time with the people I truly care about.
5. The conversations I've had this week with the three amazing people in my life, just great! I love how there is so much to talk about and just anything is put on the table to discuss. I especially love conversations where anything comes about because I love listening but also love giving my perspective on things as well.
6. I am so beyond grateful for the help that I have received at work Wednesday. I honestly don't know how much more annoyed or frustrated I would have gotten without the lovely help. I was glad to have gotten things done and being able to help get everything cleared before I left, so they could get a fresh start to continue what they needed to after I left.
7. I can't wait to hangout with my lovely friend soon again and go eat or do something else. I always have a good time when we hangout, however the last time seemed pretty quick, pretty short and just not long enough in a way. I was definitely grateful to see her beautiful face though!
8. These two posts made my week (Oh My My My | Part 2) and (Oh My My My | Part 3), so much I was excited when I seen them! I am just amazed with these chronological posts. It makes me all excited, happy and a little bit of laughter all wrapped up into one. The two that gave me the little bit of laughter was these two posts that was linked into the part 2 post I was excited to read, so here are the two linked in posts. -> First Date Disaster Part 1 : Kristen and First Date Disaster Part 2 : Kristen. I had mentioned the first part in one of my other Friday's post, so if you didn't get to read the first part here it is -> Oh My My My | Part 1. I am also going to link another two of her posts that I enjoyed from her Project | Engaged and Project | How Us People Got Engaged. So I found another post by her which I have not read yet, am going to right now after I post this and thought I should include it as well. (Engagement RIngs) p.s. - Gorgeous ring or what!! Now that's a beauty of a ring! ;)
9. Snow, why did you have to come back? Can you mother nature, pretty promise you will let winter finally be gone before my birthday gets here in less than 13 days?! Thanks, I would really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. p.s. - please also with a cherry on top give me a lovely birthday + make my one wish come true! Is that too much to ask from the universe this year? Okay, maybe a little but if I must choose, I choose that my wish comes true over the weather!
10. I already cannot wait for next weekend! How sad, it's already the weekend and I want it to be next weekend already.
11. The rest of my Friday night will be filled with music and writing down 'My Dreams' from my post yesterday. Perhaps later tonight watch Pride & Prejudice or tomorrow morning/early afternoon before I have to leave out of town. I actually love that movie, it's such a beautiful classic. Actually, maybe that will go the other way around! :p
I think this is it for this week really, I know it's shorter than most posts on Friday but some times the shorter simple things are just much sweeter being simple.

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