Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 9 : The Money Magnet


It's Day 9 and I know it's kind of late today this post but I had work then just needed to relax a bit. I am definitely keeping up with these tasks, so don't worry. Here it is : 

- Take any current unpaid bills you have, use gratitude's magical power, and write across each one: Thank you for the money. Feel grateful for having the money to pay the bill, whether you have it or not.
- Take ten bills you've paid in the past, and write across the front of each one of them the magic words : "Thank you - paid."  Feel the truly grateful that you had the money to pay the bill!



1.  I am truly blessed to have been busy at work today and not bored, because it made time fly by fast.  
2.  I am so happy and grateful for the challenge I was given today because I got most of it completed it and plus I had to do it all by myself. - PROUD & MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
3.  I am truly grateful for the beautiful sky, because it's so beautiful when it's clear but even more when there is a sunset or sunrise. 
4. With all my heart, thank you for the instilled work ability within me, because I know I am capable to complete my job and do it to the best of my ability.
5. I am truly grateful for the soap I have to use, because it allows me to wash my hands but also my body. 
6. I am truly blessed to have a toothbrush and tooth paste, because it allows me to maintain the healthiness of my mouth. 
7. I am truly blessed to have a shower, because I know I don't need to go to a big open space of water just to bathe. 
8. I am so happy and grateful for electricity, because I wouldn't be able to use all the things that need to be powered that work to my daily advantage of every day life.
9. I am truly grateful for the rain when we do have it, because I love just walking in it or if it lots and you're for sure going to be soaked, it's refreshing and fun.
10. With all my heart, thank you for chairs/bed to sit on, because it is nice to just slouch down and relax when you don't feel like standing any longer.

Signed, Joe

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Thank you truly for leaving a little note on my blog. I very much kindly appreciate it and feel very grateful for you taking the time to write on my blog. Thank you, thank you, thank you dearly, much love. <3