1. My favorite blogger post from this week that I really liked and the second post after that was from thedaybookblog. I love how she allowed her self to share and be vulnerable and then just her over all thankfulness towards her followers. If you don't know who I am talking about or checked out the post yet and you do follow her here it is : 1. one thing I'm afraid to tell you and 2. thank you .
2. Another post I enjoy this week was from this photographer Matt Clayton Brandon & Claire (They are so gorgeous and their photos are phenomenal!)
3. Wednesday was the greatest ever! Going out to dinner with my friend was so fun and our conversation is always a great time. The food was amazing, I really enjoyed what I had to order which was Rigatoni with Italian Sausage and Red Peppers with a glass of water finished off with chocolate mousse. delicious .. and just typing this makes my mouth drool just thinking about the food I had. (It's so calm, relaxing and I would hands down go back / go on a little date there. Very cute!) p.s. - Thanks again! ;) You're truly so thoughtful, kind and was not expecting that! I owe you. =)
4. I came across another photographer's(Ciara Richardson) photo session upon my week and thought the photos were so lovely I had to post about it! Brady & Jessica .
5. These past couple of days -- week I have been feeling inspired and full of ideas such to the point all these miraculous things have been falling into place little by little. It's all in the little word that is stuck to me constantly and addicted to my soul and that's believe. I cannot be thankful enough for the things happening right now in my life. I am truly grateful beyond words in every aspect of my life and incredibly, incredibly utmost grateful.
6. I love how my tasks are surely getting completed and getting taken down. I know when I added all the new ones since I had an almost empty list I felt overwhelmed after a bit having it full. It's slowly but surely getting done, one task at a time though. =)
7. All my season shows are over now that it's summer time. I am excited for The Bachelorette on Mondays! Oh and I already made my list of guys from the meet and greet which I made a post about. click here to read. (I really love Jef!) p.s. - Emily is so gorgeously beautiful and her daughter is just as cute as pie.
8. My final photographer session that I came across was from today, actually not that long ago did I see the post before I decided to come on here. I think the photos are cute and thought I should share these also by The Grover's Stephanie & Jon .
9. I swear this is the last mention of another person on a blog post they did. But I cannot help but not mention them. Their post was inspiring but also the one thing that stuck out was the word magnetic. It stuck out because of how they talked about the not caring aspect and not many people can pull that off well. The way she talks about Promise it's an inspiration because very few people hold that affect of being magnetic. (I think what really resonates with me out of this whole thing is just being you and doing you. Giving your all, working hard but ultimately just letting yourself be free.) I think why it hits home also though is how I've been told I seem so laid back and don't care about what others think, I just do me. But really I do just do me. When I really think about it that's all I can do in this life time is do me. Of course I am going to evolve but those are because of lessons, experiences, being open, being loved along with accepting love and the will to want to be better, to succeed, be determined, inspired but most of all the simple thing that holds it all in every aspect is belief.
10. The little thing that has run across my mind I believe actually was Wednesday night when I was going home was how I am so absolutely unbelievably grateful for the close friends and family that I have. I truly treasure that aspect in my life a lot this year more and more. The closeness, I really enjoy that feeling, because I know what the feeling of not accepting the love and everything beautiful in life from others. But oh boy does being accepting of things, more specifically love which everything else leads into life feel really great. There is so much out there in the universe, there is so much to receive and I am truly new york city lights grateful.
11. I wanted to mention this a while ago but didn't feel in the mood for these posts but imkristen added the 5th edition to her Oh My My My | Part 5 for those that have read the last couple of ones from the beginning. I thought I should mention this tid bit.
12. This song has been on repeat all night to night, I just love her from day one! I have all her albums, but her latest record has this track of hers in my ears playing on repeat all night, even well I was writing this post. Keshia Chante - Hang My Jersey Up. (It's such a siccck song and she has dope style!) She's definitely someone with some amazing authenticity to look up too in life.
13. Punk'd with Miley Cyrus getting her boyfriend, yep was good! Just sayin' :p
This is the end of this Friday's post and I hope you all enjoyed. =)

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