Oh Hi, Girl Run that Show &
Oh Hi Friday, Thank Goodness you're already here!!
And like I promised back up and running this week, hope you all enjoy! :D
1. First off I saw this last Friday but I had to save it for this post for you guys.. I found it interest, so check it out!
2. Woot woot part 9 of this beautiful love story has finally arrived on her blog and of course I was jumping up and down! I haven't read it, because I just seen it! But here is the link to Oh My My My | Part 9 - imkristen
3. Yaaaaaay!!! I got my glasses in today and got them on my lunch break! Definitely have to get use to the prescription on them. I loooove those pretty little eye frames!
4. It was so HOT HOT HOT at the beginning of the week I was dying, I mean dying! It felt like a freight train dragged me across the way for 20 miles. And of course I was late twice this week to my luck. I seriously could not get a break.. it was one thing after the next and I did not even understand why at the time. I never got any sleep those days it was so bloody hell hot! On top of being late everything else was going wrong.. you know those days? Yeah that was my beginning of the week, sucked! However today, fantastic along with yesterday! :D
5. I finally finished reading the 3rd book of the other two in the series I had read, yaaay! - accomplished! =)
6. Something that I loved that I read this week from this blog post was this quotation "You can do it. Don't you dare listen to anyone who tells you that you can't. Whatever it is that you want do, whoever you want to become... go for it. It will be hard, and frustrating, and stressful, and emotional, and scary... but it will be one of the greatest things you will ever do. You will meet people who will make you stronger, who will make you cry, who will lift you up, who will change your life, and who will push you to be better, because they know you can be. You will create things you hate, and things you love, and things you never knew you could create. You will find your your strengths, and your weaknesses. You will grow, change, and be stretched. You will be better, stronger, and more brave every day. Being who you want to be... it's worth it. Every single second of it If I can take the leap, you can." but I would read the whole thing to grasp what it is all about. click here. I found this is inspirational and motivating. I thought it was something worth sharing!
7. I got so much accomplished yesterday, since I had the day off! I was so so so behind in responding to comments but I got through all of them and there was a LOT! Thank you all so much for your lovely comments and browsing my blog along with the ones who come back! I really appreciate the time you take to view as well as comment! love ya sweet cheeks!
8. Tonight is just relaxing in and sleeping night, with the perfect temperature weather today. However, it was super smokey earlier this morning from a fire out of the city and then the smoke floating here and everything was smokey and not good breathing conditions.
9. My playlist this week on rotation ... a) Kip Moore - Hey Pretty Girl / b) Britt Nicole - All This Time (acoustic) / c) Melanie Fiona ft J.Cole - This Time / d) Ne-Yo - Lazy Love (in looove with this song) / e) Tamia - Beautiful Surprise / f) Timbaland ft Ne-yo - Hands In The Air / g) Chris Brown - Sweet Love / h) Wonder Girls ft Akon - Like Money / i) Birdman ft Nicki Minaj - Y.U. Mad / j) Ne-Yo - Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself) / k) Ed Sheeran - Give Me Love / L) Walk Off The Earth - Somebody That I Use To Know Cover
10. I can't wait until tomorrow after work, which I wasn't suppose to work again but got asked and only offered a few hours of my time and service. Besides the point.. I cannot wait until after to go see Spiderman with my friend!!
11. I have a post I have been saying I will post up forever on here and I just have not gotten to the finalizing of looking it over number one and two it is a whole lot of ME and a whole lot of personal! I am kind of nervous actually, okay maybe a little is an understatement but you get my drift right...
12. I feel like I have so much too say while I did before I came on here to type it out and now it seems like it just all went out the window or I am simply still tired. I know there is some more things.. oh yes, today was my last day working with my manager.. teaaar! I am going to miss her for the six months she is going to be gone, haha.. but knowing my great jokes I shall surprise her with a jokingly prank joke soon! Haha!! If you know me, then you know I like to randomly get people when they least expect it and it is funny because I do not even have to try at all and I get people just being me on a normal non planning day of not aiming to get someone. haha!!
13. Yaaay, for getting to work with my friend tomorrow again for another weekend, since we never work together. I am excited about that!
14. Oh maaan, I cannot wait for The Bachelorette finale.. I really want to know!! I will be so disappointed if she picks no one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am glad Jef made it to the final two!! love him! (Of course I was so LOUD when he got chosen) you can only imagine, haha!
15. I cannot wait to go see Savages, hopefully I will see that soon! :D
16. I loove loove loove my friend C, who I call my best friend as noted in last fridays fridays letter! She is honestly so caring and interested about things like I am in astonishment still because all the cool interesting questions she ask about me that I did not bring up to her. I love that! You know you have someone great in your life when you know they genuinely care! loooove you to ice cream pieces!
17. I was excited I got to meet up with C, yesterday even though a bit tired but it was great. I love talking with her always, there is always so much to say or talk about on things and life. Also very helpful, actually immensely helpful because I was curious about some things and she totally helped me out by sharing her knowledge, so that was great for me. So I feel not lost anymore on certain things or less overwhelmed by certain things that I was going what the heck am I going to say or how will I do this!
18. My all time favorite is text messages and especially random surprise ones from people you do not hear from a regular bases because life is busy but keep in touch every now again to see how each other is doing. I especially love the ones between my friend C & I because they are always amazing and amazing conversations. I swear we talk via text message everyday pretty much, always in contact. I like that, because when I honestly look back I never had anything like that with someone where we were in contact a lot about different stuff it was more okay, I have a problem blaaah.. lay it all out, reaad and my response. I am very very appreciative for what I have now.
19. Today at work was an ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! booom! moment :0 drop your mouth open, did I just hear what I think I heard... daaaaaaamn! Yeah never in one bit expected to hear or see what happened between another co-worker and a supervisor, insane. Number two, I would never do that ever.
20. Another thing this week was my random insightful thoughts that just would pour out. I do not know what it was about my mood or that day but I was just okay.. here is my thoughts. It was random but also cool, it was cool in the sense that being able to share with someone your thoughts and not being on guard or guarding your thoughts because the response you are unsure of. It was great moment but also very vulnerable for me too.
21. I ordered a book today, which I already read on my e-reader last summer or before the summer came, but I had to have a hard copy of it. I had gotten my auntie a copy of it a while back because I had told her about it and then she passed it onto my other auntie to read and I think my grandma too. I love how all my aunties and grandma read in my family, so they can recommend books and discuss books that we have read. It is great but any who.. I got two copies because it is such a book that is.. one hard to find on that topic and two describes things that to the tee make sense, better understanding. I cannot wait to share that with my friend. I am so excited, haha!
22. This was such a cute photography session I came across this week. click here to view.
I think this is it, for this Fridays post! I hope you all enjoyed and have a lovely night. Oh and it is getting late already 9:30pm, wow I did not see the time! Sorry for such a late post here.. enjoy. :D Have a lovely weekend if I do not stop in on her tomorrow, then see you all monday!

wow I just discovered your blog and really like it. Think you have great style and am following now! Definitely a new fan! You are very inspiring
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