Today I am onto another get to know me questionnaire, which I seen around but I seen it first on Krysten's blog called why girls are weird.
1. How long have you been blogging? And what got you started on blogging? Has your blog changed?
I have been blogging since January 2010 - so 2 years, which it seems so much longer really! I always browsed through blogs and everyone was like why don't you do that and I at first was like yeah right what greatness can I offer to compared to all the blogs I regularly view. Then one day boom I just started because I kept going on viewing blogs, so it only made sense to get a blog and talk about the things I was passionate about which is fashion. I would say my blog had a direction I was wanting to go, however that did not go that way because I am way to creative of a person and like to dabble in everything. So there is a little of everything on my blog here. I will explain that more in a future post soon that awaits for this blog.
2. Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study?
Yes, in Alberta Canada, which I took Medical Major Office Assistant. Complete opposite of what I really want to take. Technically was a college when I had applied and a few weeks into school they got recognized to changing it to a university status. So technically I killed two birds with one stone? I had on my goals list college/university, I did both. :p
3. Where have you traveled?
Jamaica, New York, Vancouver, Calgary, Radium, Invermere, Banff, Lake Louise, Jasper, Red Deer, Medicine Hat, Duchess, Drumheller and I am sure there is more but those are what stick out at the moment.
4. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
A Mercedes Benz G500 or a house designed the way I want.
5. What are you 3 biggest pet peeves?
#1. People who are slow. (impatience - I know I am aware of it and not oblivious, which is good. I am able to recognize it right away.) #2. People who don't put my stuff back exactly where I had it. (ocd - just a little bit or maybe more than a little bit but not extreme) #3. People who ask you something and your talking but they don't bother to listen anyways. (Why did you even bother asking I just do not understand at.ALL! ?)
6. What is your favorite movie?
My favorite movie.. this is hard. I love going to the movies and watching movies at home, so this is hard. I was thinking and The Lucky One came into my head, so that would be the one!
7. What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or water, soda, tea?
For me it would be juice of some sort or ice tea or green tea and water too!
8. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time?
Meeting up with my lovely friend(s) and chatting, my all.time.favorite.thing! Browse through blogs and reading. Oh and of course movies!!
9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be?
I would have to chose H&M I think.
10. Share with us an embarrassing moment of your past? Or present?
Haha.. okay! There is many but a more recent one would have to be not that long ago this year. I was wearing one of those flowy-er tank tops and I was piling up the garbage together at work and of course when I bent down my tank slide down. I never realized it and funny enough my manager a girl (thank goodness) was like cool bandeau but really it was my cool leopard print strapless bra. I was like oh gosh I didn't even realize and but thankful I was able to laugh it off and she laughed too. I was like thank gosh you're not a male boss for me because I would be so embarrassed. So thankful I could laugh it off and of course heard about it the next day but I was still laughing. So I definitely flashed my manager as she said, haha. The weird thing is I was totally fine all day until I was ready to leave but had to do that one task before I left work. That is my embarrassing moment. . .
11. What day would you love to relive again?
Nothing to be honest because I haven't had any moments in life I would want to relive over again and again at this point in my life. Perhaps in the near future?!
12. If your life was turned into a movie.. what actor would play you?
Rachel McAdams or Emily Blunt.
13. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years?
First job when I was 14 years old was at a dollar store. I worked there for a 1 1/2 almost 2 years. Next I went onto a grocery store as a cashier then to customer service cashier and was doing that for five years.
14. Show us a picture from high school or college.
I will have to come back to this question.
15. If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go?
LONDON, ENGLAND (As mentioned before here on my blog). My second place would be AUSTRALIA.
16. Show us the most current picture of you.
I was going to use this for a different post but perfect timing... ? This is what I had wore the night I went to the fair and I didn't get any outfit photos. A shame.. I know! I really love this shirt which I got from forever21! Same with the black heart earrings, forever21 for those wondering! :D
17. Where do you see your life 5 years from now?
In five years.. holy smokes! I will be 29 years old, which seems so far away yet so closely coming! I hope married, with some kids or at least one kid or two kids, max three. If not engaged or married at least still have a family and be together with someone that I completely love to pieces. I know some people they must have marriage in their life, but I would be okay without it really. It definitely would be nice and a special day! What else? I hope to have accomplished a lot like traveling, oh gosh traveling is one big thing I want to do before having kids. Even after having kids I still want to travel with them and give them the opportunity to explore. Working for something in the creative field, because that is something that I love and thrive in and enjoy along with fills my heart. Also having fun little play dates with my lovely friend!! I am so so excited about that.. when we both have kids. Our kids hanging out and going on trips as well as fun adventures together. Even before we have kids hanging out as couples and having fun and doing traveling adventures! Living in a warm cozy house full of love. That I have accomplished many of the goals that I want to in my life. I am not sure what else..? This is what I hope for however, things can go a different way or God has something better planned for me then I have planned/envisioned for my life.

Yay, so fun to read your answers. I'm impatient too, sometimes I even frustrate myself!
ReplyDeleteIt's a really interesting questionnaire :)
ReplyDeleteI've followed you ;>
awhh love this post!
ReplyDeletei love h&m as well :)
xx candace from [ aphrodite blue ]
join my ASOS necklace giveaway!
I love your answers - so many news for me! I like H&M a lot as well... oh and your 5 year plan is great
Inside and Outside Blog
This post is lovely! All your answers are so interesting.
ReplyDeletexoxo, Meera
i loved reading this :)
Fashion Fractions
Great post. Medicine Hat? Is that in Canada?
ReplyDeleteI agree on all three pet peeves.. so annoying