And so so so close to Christmas!
Well to start off this post today will be 101 things in 1001 days. (To break it down, would be 2.75 years to complete this list in!) I am 24 right now, so in two years I will be 26! Craaaazy!! I can't believe it, its really astonishing to me and crazy.
I saw this a few months ago while looking at a blog that I had randomly came across. I thought this would be a really good idea and yes I have lists on this blog already, like.. summer, new year's resolutions, goals/ambitions. This list will be my ultimate of ultimate lists on here that has completely everything. You always have to have those lists too!! Since I have this long list I won't be doing a new year's resolution list this time around in the new year.
If you want to do this list I think you should and let me know what you wrote for your 101 things by leaving a comment or your link to the post in my comments. I love reading what others what to achieve, it's so fun!
2. Live somewhere on my own
3. Redesign my blog again as I learn, grow and change
4. Go to Toronto! + Winter Wonderland!
6. Get photographed by Meg Courtney Photography again on my grandpa's farm!! (I love her, she's amazing!) (Summer)
7. Go to Disneyland again (The last time I went I was in grade 5 but I don't really remember that time. I was so young)
8. See a concert this year!
9. Go to a football game!
10. Go to a hockey game!
12. Study Spanish!!!!!!
13. Get my full license
14. Finish the quilts I need to complete!
15. Keep writing in my journal
16. Document a lot more on this blog and my journey (lifestyle blog diary.. ?)
17. Graduate from school!
18. Ride in a hot air balloon
19. Expand my vocabulary
20. Attend Fashion Week!
21. Try yoga
22. Learn to play guitar
23. Intern for someone famous (yet inspiring)
24. Attend a photography workshop
25. Have top of the class marks in school for all 2 years until graduated
26. Try Marble Slab
27. Complete The Magic
28. Try Pinkberry
29. Tell people about my blog
30. Learn to drive standard
31. Ride on a motorcycle
32. Take a trip via rail
33. Vacation with a friend
34. New Year's in New York
35. Go to the top of the CN Tower
36. Visit Seattle
37. Become an inspiration
39. Follow my dreams
40. Do a walk with a friend in support of a disease
41. Be Successful
42. Meet new people and make new friends
43. Attend a fashion show
44. Continue to be close to the friends that I am close to now and have when I move
45. Take a trip somewhere once school is over for summer both years (1st year and Graduating year)
47. I-Hop
48. Cora's with my one and only bestest cousin eveeeer!! (Because it's coming there soon!!) Excited, ha and yes only I am aware of these magical plans at the moment!
49. Do amazing things for myself for once and take risks
50. In a relationship with someone beautiful inside and out with flaws and all
51. Be in a wedding as a bridesmaid or maid of honor or even both!
52. Go on cute dates
53. Have kids or first around 26, maybe 27 actually sounds more realistic (?)
54. Be engaged? (All depending)
(I am not sure about 53 or 54 anymore the more I think about all mthese amazing ideas and dreams and ambitions I have I don't see myself at this point yet right now like before when I was doing this.)
55. Travel a lot, a lot before having kids
56. Explore . Believe & Make Dreams Come True into Reality
57. Become okay fully with myself in every area
58. Make myself proud, my friends and family when it comes to school
59. be HAPPY!
60. See one of my close friends get married or cousins
62. Be a godparent to someone's child or children I am close with and known for a long time or all my life (immediate family doesn't count, meaning within my sibling/ family) but outside like cousins and stuff that counts
63. Go to London, England!
64. Be there for my close friends and family at any opportunity or success!
65. Try out photography as a hobby
66. Maybe, even move once I am done school and graduate
67. Attend university and get a degree after finished college ?
68. Maintain communication flow
69. Take a trip with friends
70. Bungee jumping
71. Skydiving
72. Go paint-balling
73. Get Spring photos with Becky!
74. Get photographed by Meg Courtney Photography for graduation/Graduating (Spring)
75. Visit the lovely sparkle city that never sleeps, new york again! miss it!
76. Be mentored by MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE PERSON in photography if it becomes more than a hobby
78. Have Winter photos taken by Meg Courtney! (LOVE HER!)
79. Have photos done by Jennifer Williams
80. Meet a blogger that I read regularly!
81. Try snowboarding!
82. Exercise whether it be the gym or running.. something!
83. Be featured in a magazine like teen vogue or seventeen
84. Visit Nashville
85. Get a one piece
86. Do another 101 list after this one is completed, maybe?
90. Dreams to come true!!
92. Have a going away dinner if I get accepted into school
93. Learn to surf
95. Go to Disney World
96. Sleep in a hammock
98. Take a risk
99. Have HelloTomorrow as videographer's if get married
100. Go back to Kelowna + Vancouver
101. INSPIRE . DREAM . BELIEVE . HOPE . TAKE RISKS & ACHIEVE OPPORTUNITIES & MAKE A DIFFERENCE (even if it's just in one person's life.)
Have a lovely Thursday! ;)

that's a very cool idea!
I majorly failed at my 101 in 1001, I had less than 50% done when I hit my 1001 days. So I changed it to a bucket list, hehe.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with yours!
Wow.. that is quite a list.. hope you get to achieve it all.. and I hope to be here, reading your blog and watching you accomplish each and everyone of them.