Good Morning!
So what an interesting night/morning
I have had in the past couple hours. Ugh, like really.. HiVES!! I of all people
have never gotten hives from food, only from cats. I couldn't believe it! Well
I guess there is a first for everything and definitely isn't fun! I just want
theem to go awaaay now, thanks! I hate how itchy they get and I was fine all
day yesterday until I ate supper. Any who enough complaining about that! I have
kind of a ton of stuff to do today! This week has just been to busy with work and
oh so glorious mode for sleeping constantly. I fell asleep friday woke up at
9ish then woke up at 7ish then officially got up at 3pm! I swear I haven't
slept in like that in foreveeer and ages! I feel in a way not such a great idea
to have slept in like that! Oh wells it happened! I have a compile list of
things I must get done today and ahh I swear to do lists never end! There is
always something new to add to them. Yesterday was definitely my laaaazy day
for sure with movies, reading & the late night hives! It looked so
incredible beautiful out yesterday and I didn't even get dressed and out to
check it out. Maybe, hopefully today? If not then tomorrow, ha! I have gotten a
few little things lately but I want to wait to do a post on those things.
However, since I've been watching movies this weekend, I thought I would share
those on this post the ones I just picked up to watch. Enjoy your wonderful
sunday minus the dreadful hives I have.
oh and I forgot to mention, I think
my beautiful spring is here! YES! I loove, ha.. of course I do I am a spring
baaby after all! :D
p.s. - Also since it's the month
of February I have decided to up my posts for this month to twice a
week! Yes, for all you readers! :p So 2 posts a week, let's see if I can do
this challenge!

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