So I was going through my blog posts and then I was checking my phones calendar and I was like wait a minute, no. . no.. no way! I had said in my last post sorry for not following through for the month of February of two posts a week but when I looked at the calendar actually I have. Amazingly awesome; I think so because I have actually followed through even though the goal is a short-term goal/small. Yaay, for me posting twice a week this month! This is my second post for this week, which I was going to leave it until tomorrow but I just have this feeling of not doing that because it may not get done at all. Any who, today was a blizzard of a day out but not cold, thank goodness! I loved it though, I love how untouchable and fresh it looked on the ground and will still look in the morning since it started again. It felt great to be out in the snowy weather like that, it seemed just perfect today. I know I didn't do much besides work but that is okay. It's days like these where great things happen, they happen unexpectedly and for a reason. A reason that also lead me to a line that keeps roaming around in my head that you hear here and there in life 'be careful what you wish for'. . .
It is interesting how things that you've been wanting so bad to happen gravitate themselves to you but you allow yourself to turn away because your shy or your beliefs of yourself.
It was just a great day, a really great day and of course with great conversation! This day definitely made up for my horrible horrible day on Wednesday. Thank you snow and I honestly love you today even though I never really love you, lol. So see you again in the beautiful morning.. I think so! I hope you enjoy the lovely photos of snow that will be attached here in the morning, so look back for those tomorrow. =)
Have a beautiful night.

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