Yes I know I did not do two posts this week and that is because my computer is on the kaputs. So everything I want to add into my posts such as photographs I cannot. My lovely posts that I really want to put up have to wait, sorry lovelies. I thought I would come on here to write about my Saturday adventure of going to the movies! Who doesn't love the movies! Well the movie I went to see was `The Vow` with my beautiful friend. I loved it, it was sad and cute, it definitely made me think. I feel like it probes questions into your mind you probably never really would think about really unless asked or had to deal with it personally. However, for me the ending was not my favourite at all. I was kind of disappointed in that aspect just a bit, but I definitely feel like this is one of my favourite movies now. Yes, definitely number one until `The Lucky One`comes out in april. I love Rachel McAdams, shes so down to earth, cute, adorable, ahh what's not to love about her! The movie is based on a true story also which I feel makes you question yourself of things. As for Channing Tatum`s characters emotions you understand the unconditional love and hardship going on within him that it makes you go now that's complete and true love.

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