1. Another engagement session I came across was Julia's from Gal Meets Glam and thought it was cute along with her engagement ring so beautiful. And these too that just got posted yesterday!
2. The bachelorette on Monday was cute when it was Emily and Chris' date! I loved loved loved how he asked her if he could kiss her! I think my.heart.just.melted.in.that.moment! The best ever date by having Luke Bryan there, that was a total win of a date! It was completely perfect to the tee.
3. This wedding was so gorgeous and the photos was taken by Jamie Delaine. I thought I would mention this capture of photography I saw this week on here for you lovelies.
4. I came across this neat photo session by random and thought it was neat and would share with you all. It's based off the notebook and yes it's an older session. The Notebook inspired Engagement Session
5. My supper for the last two nights has be graciously delicious! And thought I should share by adding a photo of both meals. (p.s. - don't you love breakfast for supper? I do, it's pretty cool!)
6. I love love love conversations, especially via text message with my lovely friend! She is honestly amazing and our conversations, yeah total greatness! I cannot explain to you and yes i know I mention this a lot! I seriously cannot help it, oh and by the way click here and enjoy. =)
7. I am so hooked into my book, that that is how the rest of my night is going to be fulfilled and this whole weekend! I love it because everyone at work is reading it too or has just finished and so everyone gets to talk and discuss.
8. H&M served me very well this afternoon! I wasn't even looking for anything and came out with a few items! In beautiful colors of course too.. blue, aquas, royal blue and neon yellow! Summer colors to die for!
9. Snow White and the Huntsman with my friend after work was great. I like the movie and definitely would see it again, however not in the same day again, lol.
10. I am so excited for tomorrow to hang out with my friend and go see a movie, eat and talk talk talk! ha, i am sure that is very known from my blog posts ... :p
11. My interview from the 22nd of May, I have not heard anything so I asked my manager and she told me first haha "i know something you don't know" I am so curious! Everyone will be told on the 6th of June about their interview, so this week I should know something.
12. I am on the hunt for new glasses again for a second time. I was on the hunt before back in March or something like that and gave up. I really want something new now, all of a sudden. I will browse around some eye glasses shops and see what stunners I can find for my eyes!
14. There is one thing that has been crossing my mind and that is something I wrote for my new years resolutions and i think I am doing a pretty good job accomplishing that goal for the most part. I am definitely finding out things, learning new things etc. because I use this very valuable aspect in my life to give and get information and that is communication. My exact expression of what I wrote as my resolutions for those curious is here. sm=)Le.
15. I have been late lately for some reason and I usually would be irritated and mad but I don't get mad mad. I get irritated because I know I should be somewhere at a certain time and it just hasn't been happening lately. This little quote or mantra I am not too sure what to call it sticks to me that my mom says at times because at times I do get mad when I am late, because it looks bad and embarrassing on my part. Anyways.. there's few minutes that you're late could be for a very good reason like for example you're walking somewhere and theres an accident and if you would have left just when you were planning to maybe something not so great may have happened. I think that makes me more, okay .. I can look at it this way instead of being mad about it. I am determined this week to be on time or 15 minutes early. It's my must goal this week and continuing when I have to be somewhere, or especially meet someone. Definitely meeting up with someone.
16. I thought I would be so tired today because I fell asleep then woke up and I couldn't go back to sleep for the life of me. You know when you are afraid to sleep for some odd reason yeah that was me once I woke up and was trying to go back to sleep, so headphones and ipod it was and worked like a charm.
17. This is the end... goodnight and hello yummmy ice cream! A photo I thought was very cute and adorable of the Olsen's.

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