1. I am so glad it is Friday this week! I am completely beat, actually for the last two weeks I have felt like this because changing shifts last week and so my sleep schedule is all messed up. Booo, and no point in fixing it this weekend because it's going to happen again Sunday.
2. I was so excited Wednesday to meet up with my lovely friend for coffee, but really I didn't have coffee I got an Italian Soda in Peach. Perfect Summer time drink to get because it was so warm that day. I love our conversations, we always talk about everything and anything. It was perfect because I felt like I needed that in some way, because when I left I felt this sense of relief wash over me. You know when you have so much thoughts but you never tell anybody and always keep them in.. yeah that weight off your shoulders relief is what I felt. It felt so nice even though I never had anything secretive to tell if that makes sense.. haha. I think it's just having all those thoughts inside the soul and never really telling people but sometimes in life there are people who it just comes out and no second guessing of self it just unloads magically.
3. I finally got what I ordered, yaay! Oh but it took so so long, however it wasn't for me it was for my lovely friend! haha.. I love doing random things for people when they least expect it!
4. Just Go With it has been giving me some good laughs until I watched this video part way through and it just brought my mood down, because it is so so so so so so so so mean! click here to watch video, tear. If that was me I honestly would not see the day of light from my parents if I did that when I was younger to someone older than me. It's really a shame what this world has come to.
5. Since my sleep pattern has been messed up, it has been browsing through tons and tons of blogs. I have found so many new ones and interesting ones. I am excited to read future posts from all the new blogs I found, because they are honestly cool!
6. Oh. My .. how could I let this get down to #six?! 1:36am was my very first comment and I am continuing to receive comments! I am so so truly grateful for, so those all need replies by tomorrow! I was trying to figure out the whole reply thing but I am just to frustrated to figure it out that I shall go back to each blog and leave a beautiful comment! Thank you honestly each one of you who has left a comment I am in absolute awe and amazement!
7. Song on repeat since last night/early morning Conor Maynard - Vegas Girl (WideBoys Remix) click here to hear.
8. Oh Gosh, today at work what a embarrassing moment I
9. I am slacking on my book completely since I have been so tired and I really need to finish it because it's the last book in the series! I need to get on this and be done finally!
10. Tuesday, I found my glasses!! So I believe.. I really want them but I just want to double check around and see there is absolutely nothing else I like from somewhere else. I think they are so rad, cool and rockin'! I can't wait to wear them stunners on my face to see, they're oh so pretty and different! I have had my other glasses for a couple of years now and it's time for something new, but I will have two pairs so I can always alternate, but I can that won't be happening for a while.
11. I have so much stuff to do.. list wise it's insane. I have it all prepped to do but I can't actually fully complete all my tasks, so by next week for sure I hope to be finally done! It's stressful actually to have so many things going on at once to remember, but they will be tackled.
12. I am excited for next Friday because Magic Mike comes out!! I can't wait to go see that movie with my friend!!
13. I really think sleep is in order after I get this post and another post up after this one!
14. I am a sucker for love stories and I found another amazing one this week, actually Wednesday I believe it was I did but that shall be a whole other post this week hopefully.
15. I had totally two outfit looks I could have done this week and didn't because I was too tired and what a shame really.
16. You know what would be so so so good right now?! White Chocolate Mousse Cake, oh how delicious! Maybe next Friday I shall stop and get a slice.. I could buy the whole cake but then that would just be greedy between myself and only myself while on the computer/reading/watching a movie or watching television. I think the slice should suffice my craving that has been lingering for a while now but I just never seem to do anything about it! Next week I will.
17. The subject of tattoos has been a discussion of topic this week and I have wanted one for a long time. Nothing big, huge or crazy just something that meant something to me. However, I am not 100% committed since I am not sure of the spot I would put it but do know what I would like for sure. Any of you have cool tattoos or special meaning behind a tattoo(s) you have? For some inspiration you can check out my pinterest, click tattoo board.
18. This made me laugh last night but also made me go oooooooooh!
19. I have to get my hair cut soon and I came across this photo of Jennifer Aniston's hair and love it! However, I also like length to do things with it.. so we shall see when the time comes what I decide.
20. I was so glad Ryan was gone on Monday from The Bachelorette! I cannot wait until this Monday to see what all is going on with Arie... I am so curious.
21. Haha.. I totally was jumping on my bed when I see the post from rockstar diaries about 5 year anniversary and it being her birthday! I was so excited and it's not even happening to me or my husband/boyfriend/fiance! ha! i looove them! <3 (I swear every little blog I have come across lately it's someones anniversary and 5 years, insane but oh so cool!)
22. This blog post gave me a good laugh this week! I loved reading it.. you should read it too! click here.
23. Haha.. got so excited about yoga, because I have been checking quite often for the new start dates and nothing but finally tonight I see something. Yaay, I hope I get to go this time around because last start date was so soon and yeah.. just was not going to really happen. I am excited to go with my friend, joy.joy.joy!! :D
24. You know what I don't get.. is why starbucks closes earlier (8pm) than Second Cup (10pm) like come on! I need a little Starbucks loving not enough time but really been there talking for 3 hrs plus conversation with good ol' drinks from there too.. sad face head down walk. haha!
25. Best of tonight my little niece singing and if you're happy and you know it clap your hands! haha.. and her holding my hands to clap them together. <3
This is the end because it is pretty long, so.. so long until next Friday and have a lovely weekend! :D

When Grandma goes to court... love it. hhaha
ReplyDelete$100 Shopbop GIVEAWAY
I can't wait for Magic Mike either! And I'm loving JA's hairdo! I must be sleeping under a rock or something cos I had no idea she chopped her locks! Thanks for the FYI :o)
ReplyDeleteAnd a big thanks for your gorgeous comment on my blog! You have a pretty amazing blog yourself, keep up the awesomeness!
Have a great weekend!
peach italian sodas are my FAVE! also love jennifer's hair here :)