I know today's post is a very very interesting one and perhaps even intense. I came across this dear future wife posts randomly and was wow, astonished because I've never really thought about doing something like that. Writing a letter/thoughts and it came to me that is something that I would like to do. However, it didn't come to me right away because i was in the that's so cool interesting mode. I never thought about it more deeply but of course the one night I was reading my book and browsing that same site I came across it from and it hit me. It hit me more as I looked into it and what others had done. But here I was the one night thoroughly tired, exhausted yet trying to finish my book but took a break to browse online and boom it just started pouring out of me. All my thoughts and everything deep inside of me was coming out. I didn't finish this in that night, actually morning of course because it was already 2am. I continued the next day and thoughts just kept pouring out even as I would leave it to go do something. I have been continuing to write thoughts for the last couple of days so that I could post this as today's post for you guys. I know this is very personal but it's something I want to share and I hope you enjoy this post and it is very long for a warning that are not interested in reading anything or were looking for photos.
I hope you all have a lovely day and thank you truly for taking the time to read this if you manage to read all the way through.
dear future
i want you to know that i have been longing and waiting a very long time.. twenty-four years to be exact. i am utterly anticipating for your arrival into my life and to sweep me off my feet. i can't wait to share fun moments and moments of laughter along with love. i also cannot wait for the silent moments when no one has to say anything. i think the most curious moments is the beauty within you, the whole of you from sadness, laughter, joy, anger, the flaws that define you, that make you who you are. the little things that you hold within and no one else knows. i want those moments. i want to share and hear everything from the not so greatness to the complete and utter buckled knees down in the ground in complete awe and unbelievable joy of life. i want to experience your dreams that you have accomplished, want to accomplish and i want you to know how proud of you i am.
i want to travel with you to a lot of beautiful amazing places as well as just sitting in the midst of each other's presence talking. i want to go on cute little dates, you know like .. to the zoo, aquarium, a picnic with a blanket, food and a gorgeous field with beautiful flowers. i want an ice cream date and a trip to Hawaii together. i want to experience life with you and i together in a space that is ours to call home. i want to come home and hear how your day went. i want the heart melting good morning messages that leave a girl smiling like a floating balloon high in the air so high. i want to be your friend first and foremost. then second your complete and soulful love. i want to see your playful side, that ends up in cute fun laughter wrestling with each other playfully. i want to hold your hands and make road trips and unplanned trips. i want a bazillion photos of not only you but of us together. i want to cuddle with you whenever. i want to spend days together that are lazy and only require pj's with movies, books, food and conversation. i want to leave you cute messages when you wake up, going to work, at work or away. i want to cook together and eat ice cream under the warm sun. i want to love you with all my heart that i possibly can. i want to kiss you and have hurdles of butterflies always floating from the pit of my stomach. i want to capture your heart when i walk into a room and your eyes twinkle in awe. i want to eat at each other's favorite places. i want the smell of you invoked around me. i want to be that girl who can rock one of your shirts and look sexy doing it because i can't find anything in my closet. i want to feel the sensation from your hugs climbing up my spine. i want our relationship to have dreams that are ours, together. i want to walk in the rain and have deep conversations along with a million questions moments. i want to have musical outbursts and random dancing moments. i want you to love my friends and i want to love yours. i want the uncontrollable laughter along with the sad and happy tears. i want to give you unconditional love. i want to be the reason your happy in life. i want to see you chill out in sweats yet oh so sexy in jeans and a t-shirt and hot and heart melting to the pit of the floor in a suit/dressed up. i want to kiss in the rain and sleep on a beach together. i want to tell you how i feel. i want to spend Christmas in New York and new years eve. i want to camp on the beach and have a bonfire. i want to go on a coffee date and fly across to city lights. i want a treasure that cannot be forgotten, i want every moment written in my own very diary. i want something to look back on. i want to go to New York and California all in the same trip. i want to experience the history of London with you. i want to visit the beautiful country of Croatia together. i want to lay there with you just thinking. i want to feel your comfort. i want bbq's. i want to hear your favorite songs and see your favorite movies. i want that feeling of beauty to wash in. i want to have stupid arguments every now and again that means nothing in the end. i want to get photos done of us together by someone marvelous like matt clayton and meg courtney.. perhaps both! i want piggy backs and getting to wake up beside you. i want you to be passionate, ambitious and confident in everything you want in life. i want to be in the grace of your intelligence, helpfulness and independence. i want to listen to you speak and to hear your advice. i want fun and you to achieve your educational goals. i want to go to the movies with you and watch anything and everything, especially romantic ones. i want to go to a concert with you. i want to enjoy the presence of your family. i want us to be positive towards each other and to allow each other to value one another's potential to grow along with love, fail and try again. i want to visit Australia with you. i want to be truly blessed and thankful for the amazing person that you are. i want you to push me beyond limits - out of the box limits. i want to take day trips, surprise trips and no destination trips. i want to stargaze in the back of your truck if you have one with blankets and pillows. i want to have those moments that are full of laughter because i scared you and you get me back when i least expect it. i want to go to six flags and Disney with you. i want you to be there for me and be okay with that i am okay. i want you to know that i am happy. i want my dreams to come true with you. i want to go on double dates.
i want to experience your kindness, joy, love and care. i want to witness the depths of your soul. in the midst of everything i want to become your fiancee to then become your wife. i want to marry my soul-mate and love of my life. i want to dream up all the possibilities of married life. i want to share a home, oh so gorgeous and full of love. i want to have the most incredible children and them to have the most amazing father ever. i want you to be full of joy with them. i want to give you healthy children but as a deep desire also a beautiful son. a beautiful desired longing that i want to have in my life, with you in our home. i want to have play dates with the friends we have that have children. i want to go on vacations as a family. i want a family and friends Disney gathering together. i want to have fun. i want our family to be filled with so much love and warmth. i want our children to have amazing godparents. i want to be able to watch our children get married too. i want to hear the sweet words of mommy and daddy. i want to be the best parent and wife to you and our children. i want all your dreams fulfilled. i want your support, love and most importantly the key ingredient communication. i want you to be successful in your own but as well as together as a family. i want loyalty, honesty, patience and respect within our relationship and being able to give our children good examples of that from our relationship. i want our children to be exposed to well rounded people and enjoy tons of activties whether in school or out of school. i want to experience every moment from them playing hockey to dance. i want our dream home and a wrapped front porch with a swinging chair swing. i want a swing or a tire swing hanging out of a tree. i want a a family room with just television and games. i want each of our children to have their own room, decorated how they want. i want our house full of warm colors, yet rich flooring. i want to feel the sun's warm rays through the window as we are waking up in bed or just laying next to each other. i want our wedding to be lovely with gorgeous photos and a videographer. i want you to love our children no matter the circumstances that life throws at me. i want you to love our children unconditionally, no matter what. i want you to promise me that with your whole heart. i want you to be happy yourself and unconditionally loved. i want you to be empathetic towards our children when they need it, yet also someone they look up to. i want to watch our children grow up from elementary into junior high to high school and off to college/university. i want our children to have and find a beautiful love like ours with someone they care about and want to marry. i want to go on walks and to the sand park with our children. i want to be thankful for everything that comes in my life and ours. i want to witness the giggling moments of our kids and there success. i want lots of bear hugs and kisses from our children to the both of us. i want to travel to Spain and or Brazil with you.
i am always pondering thoughts in my mind and as well with my beautiful friend. i especially love sharing our stargazing life moments with each other because we both want the same thing. even though she has a boyfriend i cannot wait until i get to feel all the things i expressed to her until my time with you comes. i cannot wait until you meet her because she is an amazing part of my life. i want my really good friend to be apart of this beautiful love story at my wedding as my maid of honor. i want you to like her as much as i do. i want you to be good friends with her husband. i want her to actually be one of our children's godparent. i know i am pushing my boundaries by putting this out there but i have thinking about it a lot and i really would like that. i want our children to be really good friends and have a good rounded connection of good people. i want our children to have sleep overs at each other's houses. i want to watch her children for her well they go on a date night. i want our families to have trips together and double dates. i want to be unbelievable friends for ever and ever and ever. i want her to be apart of our life of being friends.

Holy moley!!
ReplyDeleteI found your blog through Erin's and I just had to read this post. It brought tears to my eyes and gave me chills. And you made it sound so simply amazing!