Tuesday, May 21, 2013

let's skip down memory lane..

Day 21
[A list of links to your favorite posts in your achieves]

Well today's challenge seems super easy, sort of kinda.. so let me snoop through the past achieves of mine and find some stuff for you all to view! ;) The photo is even down memory lane.. well duh! It's summer, not fall! :p

#.1 OOTD
(outfit post) February 14, 2013

#.2 this kind of love./ our kind of love. (re-edited edition)
(letter to future husband) January 16, 2013

#.3  i promise  (and if you flash your heart, i won't deny it)
(letter to self) February 6, 2012

#4. OOTD
(outfit post) June 25, 2012

#.5 Q&A / more about me.
(Getting to know about me) August 1, 2012  

#.6  Liebster Award
(Nominated for an award) July 18, 2012

I think this is all.. there is so many different posts, WOW! I didn't really realize it until I decided to skim back through. I hope you enjoy these posts that I have selected. 

Have a wonderful day!

Signed, Joe

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