Thursday, March 17, 2011

Part 2 - The Lo-Down Quiz Results

Hey Beautiful Lovelies!

First off HAPPY ST. PATTY'S DAY everyone! :D

So I was flipping through my notes in my binder and I had done the quizzes in the book The Lo-Down and still have my answers. So I thought I would post what I chose and the outcome that was related to my choices.

[Part I ]

1. a = 4
2. a = 1
3. b = 1
4. d = 1
5. c = 1
6. a = 1
7. c = 1
8. d = 1

8-11 Points : You're Doing Great!
Congratulations, you are right on track to finding the perfect guy by being yourself. You are smart, and you understand not only guys but human nature on a basic level. You are able to apologize when you're wrong, and you can get yourself out of a bad situation. Your respectable amount of relationship knowledge comes from experiencing both good and bad partnerships. Go get'em girl!

[Part II]

1. d = 2
2. a = 2
3. b = 2
4. b = 3
5. d = 4
6. c = 4
7. c = 3
8. c = 2
9. d = 4

23-30 Points : Oozing Confidence
Okay, we get it. You know what you like and who you are or want to become, and you are proud of it! You're already a follower of the Golden Rule, even if you didn't know it until now. You've already made some mistakes and are bound to make some more, but you have a clear sense of what to aviod from here on out. Whether it's boys, jobs, or lipstick, you know what you want at this very moment. Your future is bright, even though you aren't sure if what's going on now will last forever. You're so happy with yourself, however, that you sure hope it does.

[Part III]

1. c = 2
2. c = 3
3. b = 3
4. c = 3
5. b = 3
6. c = 3
7. c = 3
8. a = 3
9. a = 3
10. b = 2

26-30 Points : Yay! You Dig The Good Guys
Woohoo, woohoo, woohoo. Just like you understand what makes a good friend, you understand what makes a good boyfriend. The qualities are essentially the same; it's just the relationship that's different. You're picking guys that you know to be kind, thoughtful, compassionate and trustworthy. In addition, these guys look for the same qualities in you, and because you possess them they love you for who you are. Both sides understand that it's quality over quantity. All I can say is, keep it up!

[Part IV]

1. a = 1
2. a = 2
3. c = 2
4. c = 2
5. a = 1
6. a = 2
7. a = 2

12-17 Points : It's Mutual
Sweet glory, you both loooove each other. It's totally mutual between you two. Nothing to worry about.

[Part V]

1. b = 2
2. b = 1
3. a = 2
4. a = 1
5. a = 1
6. a = 1
7. a = 2

7-10 Points : It's A Relationship!
Congratulations, sweetness. The guy you're dating is a keeper, and he is giving you the signs that indicate as much. He takes you on real dates, he spends quality time with you, and he is an open communicator. He listens to what you have to saym abd uf you get into an argument, there is always an amicable way to solve the problem.he is just as serious about having a relationship with you as you are with him. Celebrate: It's a true-life, flesh-and-blood relationship!

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